Check up to 50 backlinks with our free backlink checker, that will provide a detailed information on the status code, robot tag, external links, anchor texts, rel attributes (dofollow or nofollow) and robot tag of external links.
mandatory field
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Free Bulk URL Status Code & Redirect Checker

Types of HTTP Status Codes

Successful responses
Non-authoritative information
Redirection messages
Multiple choices
Moved permanently
See other
Not modified
Client error responses
Bad request
Payment required
Not found
Server error responses
Internal server error
Not implimented
Bad gateway
Service unavailble
Getway timeout
Information resonses
Switching protocols

1xx (Informational) HTTP Status Codes

The 1xx status codes are used to provide information about the status of a request that is still in progress. They are used by web developers and network administrators to diagnose and troubleshoot issues with web apps and servers, and users don’t see these codes.

100 (Continue): This code indicates that the server has received the request initial part and that the client should proceed with sending the remaining parts of the request.

101 (Switching Protocols): The server is switching to a different protocol, such as from HTTP to WebSocket. This code informs the client that the server will no longer be communicating with it using the current protocol, and that the client should switch to the new protocol.

102 (Processing): The server has received and is processing the request, but no response is available yet. This status code is commonly used for requests that involve extensive processing time or long-running tasks on the server.

2xx (Successful) HTTP Status Codes

The 2xx status codes indicate the successful processing of the request, with the server returning the requested data. End-users see these codes when interacting with web applications, meaning the application is functioning properly.

200 (OK): It’s the most common response code, indicating that the request was successful and the server is returning the requested data in the response.

201 (Created): The request has been fulfilled and a new resource is created via a POST or PUT request.

202 (Accepted): The request has been accepted for processing, but additional processing time is required before the request is completed.

203 (Non-Authoritative Information): The server is returning a third-party source information. It’s mainly used when a proxy server or content delivery network (CDN) is involved in delivering the response.

204 (No Content): The request has succeeded, but there is no data to return in the response. This code is commonly utilized when a DELETE request is successful, as no data needs to be conveyed.

205 (Reset Content): The request has been successfully processed, and the user agent should reset the document view that prompted the request. This code is typically employed when a form is submitted, signaling that the form should be reset.

206 (Partial Content): The server is returning a partial representation of the resource, because the client requested only part of the resource. This code is commonly used for requests that use the Range header to request only a portion of a large file.

3xx (Redirection) HTTP Status Codes

The 3xx status codes are used when a resource has been moved to a new location temporarily or permanently, or when the client should use a different HTTP method to retrieve the resource.

300 (Multiple Choices): This status code is commonly used when the server presents multiple representations of the requested resource, each having its unique location. Its purpose is to prompt the client to select from server’s provided several available options.

301 (Moved Permanently): This status code means that a requested resource has been permanently relocated to a new location. It indicates that the resource has been moved to a different URL, and the previous URL should no longer be used.

302 (Found): 302 indicates that the requested resource has been temporarily relocated to a different location and it’s been temporarily moved to a new URL, while the old URL should still be used for future references.

303 (See Other): The requested resource can be found at a different URL, and the client should use a GET request to fetch it from the new location. 303 is used when a resource has been relocated, and the client is instructed to retrieve it using an alternative HTTP method.

304 (Not Modified): The client's cached version of the requested resource remains valid, and the server advises the client to utilize its cached copy instead of requesting the resource anew.

307 (Temporary Redirect): The requested resource has been temporarily relocated to a new location, and the client should retrieve it using the same HTTP method as the original request. 307 is similar to the 302 code; however, it specifies that the client should not employ a different HTTP method to fetch the resource.

4xx (Client Error) HTTP Status Codes

4xx status codes indicate an error with the client's request. Mostly, these errors can be corrected by modifying the client's request.

400 (Bad Request): 400 code indicates that due to invalid syntax or missing parameters the server was unable to understand the request.

401 (Unauthorized): The requested resource requires authentication, and the client has not provided valid credentials. This code is typically used when the client needs to provide credentials in order to access the resource.

402 (Payment Required): This code is reserved for future use.

403 (Forbidden): The client does not have permission to access the requested resource. This code is typically used when the client needs to provide credentials or be authenticated to access the resource, but even with authentication, access is still denied.

404 (Not Found): The requested resource could not be found on the server. This code is typically used when the client has requested a resource that does not exist.

405 (Method Not Allowed): The client has used an HTTP method that is not allowed for the requested resource. This code is typically used when the client attempts to use a method that is not supported by the server.

406 (Not Acceptable): The server is unable to generate a response that is acceptable to the client, based on the headers that were sent in the request. This code is typically used when the server cannot produce a response that matches the client's request headers.

407 (Proxy Authentication Required): The client must first authenticate itself with the proxy before making a request to the requested resource. This code is typically used when the client needs to provide credentials to a proxy server before accessing a resource.

408 (Request Timeout): The server has timed out waiting for the client to complete its request. This code is typically used when the client takes too long to send its request to the server.

409 (Conflict): The request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resource. This code is typically used when the client's request conflicts with the current state of the server.

410 (Gone): The requested resource is no longer available on the server, and there is no forwarding address. This code is typically used when the resource has been intentionally removed and will not be available again.

411 (Length Required): The server requires that the client include a Content-Length header with its request. This code is typically used when the client sends a request without a Content-Length header.

412 (Precondition Failed): The server is unable to meet the preconditions specified in the client's request headers. This code is typically used when the client's request headers include preconditions that are not met by the server.

413 (Payload Too Large): The server is unable to process the request, because the request payload is too large. This code is typically used when the client sends a request with a payload that is larger than the server is willing or able to process.

414 (URI Too Long): The server is unable to process the request, because the request URI is too long. This code is typically used when the client sends a request with a URI that is longer than the server is willing or able to process.

415 (Unsupported Media Type): The server is unable to process the request, because the request payload is in an unsupported format. This code is typically used when the client sends a request with a payload that is in an unsupported format.

416 (Range Not Satisfiable): The server is unable to fulfill the client's request for a partial resource, because the requested range cannot be satisfied. This code is typically used when the client requests a range of a resource that is outside the bounds of the resource.

417 (Expectation Failed): The server is unable to meet the requirements specified in the client's Expect request header. This code is typically used when the client sends an Expect header that cannot be fulfilled by the server.

418 (I'm a teapot): This code is an April Fools' joke and is not intended to be used seriously.

421 (Misdirected Request): The client has made a request to a server that is not able to produce a response for that request, because the request was directed at a different server. This code is used in situations where a client attempts to connect to a server that is unable to handle the request.

422 (Unprocessable Entity): The server is unable to process the request, because the request payload contains semantic errors. This code is used when the client sends a request with a payload that contains invalid data.

423 (Locked): The requested resource is currently locked, and the client is unable to access it. This code is used when a resource is being modified by another user, and cannot be accessed by any other clients until the modification is complete.

424 (Failed Dependency): The requested resource depends on another resource that has failed to be processed. This code is used in situations where a request cannot be fulfilled because of a failure in a dependent resource.

426 (Upgrade Required): The client must switch to a different protocol to access the requested resource. This code is used when the client needs to switch from HTTP/1.1 to HTTP/2 in order to access the requested resource.

428 (Precondition Required): The server requires that the client include a precondition header with its request. This code is typically used when the server requires that certain conditions be met before processing a request.

429 (Too Many Requests): The client has made too many requests in a given period of time, and the server is unable to process them all. This code is typically used in situations where a client is making excessive requests to a server.

431 (Request Header Fields Too Large): The server is unable to process the request, because the request headers are too large. This code is typically used when the client sends a request with headers that are larger than the server is willing or able to process.

451 (Unavailable For Legal Reasons): The requested resource is unavailable for legal reasons. This code is used in situations where a resource has been removed or made unavailable due to legal requirements.

499 (Client Closed Request): The client has closed the request before the server could send a response. This code is used in situations where a client closes a connection before the server can send a response, or when the client times out while waiting for a response.

5xx (Server Error) HTTP Status Codes

The 5xx status codes indicate server or network errors and that the client's request could not be fulfilled. These errors are typically caused by issues such as programming errors, server overload, or network connectivity problems.

500 (Internal Server Error): The server faced an unexpected error or condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request. It’s mainly used when a client requests a resource or functionality supported by the server.

501 (Not Implemented): The server does not support the required functionality to fulfill the request. It’s used when a client requests a resource or functionality not supported by the server.

502 (Bad Gateway): The server received an invalid response from a server it was attempting to communicate with, thereby obstructing the fulfillment of the request. It’s used when a proxy or gateway server receives an erroneous response from an upstream server.

503 (Service Unavailable): The server is currently unable to handle the request due to being overloaded or undergoing maintenance. 503 is used during the temporarily unavailable server, so the client can try again later.

504 (Gateway Timeout): The server didn’t receive a response from a server it was attempting to communicate with, as a result, the request failed. 504 is employed when a proxy or gateway server times out while waiting for an upstream server response from.

505 (HTTP Version Not Supported): The server doesn’t support the HTTP version of client's request. 505 is used when a client sends a request via an unsupported version of HTTP.

506 (Variant Also Negotiates): The server has encountered an internal configuration error and is unable to serve the requested content. 506 is employed when a server cannot provide a requested resource due to an internal configuration error.

507 (Insufficient Storage): The server is unable to store the requested content due to being out of disk space or it has exceeded its quota. 507 is used when a server doesn’t store a requested resource due to disk space limitations.

508 (Loop Detected): The server detected an infinite loop while processing the request. 508 code means that a server detects a request causing an infinite loop in its processing.

510 (Not Extended): 510 means that a server requires additional information from the client in order to process a request.

511 (Network Authentication Required): 511 means that a server requires network authentication before allowing a client to access a resource.

599 HTTP status code: 599 is not a standard status code and is not officially recognized by the HTTP/1.1 specification or any other major web standards organization.

Redirect: What is It?

A redirect is a technique used in web development to temporarily or permanently send a user's browser from one URL to another. It’s a way to automatically redirect users or search engines from an old URL to a new one.

Redirects are used for different reasons, such as when a webpage or resource has been moved to a different location, when a website has undergone a rebranding or restructuring, or when a URL needs to be shortened or customized for marketing purposes.

Status Codes of Redirects

There are 3 common redirect status types: moved permanently, found, temporary redirect.

301 Moved Permanently

301 status code indicates that the page requested has been moved permanently and will not return. Browsers will remember this status, and if visiting the original URL again will automatically make the request to the new destination. 301 redirects are the most commonly used types for SEO purposes when moving a page to a new location, telling search engines to give all the value of the old page to the new page.

302 Found

This type of redirect indicates that the page requested as found but it is at another location. It’s often used instead of a temporary redirect where the initial page will likely come back in the future, for example, when a web page is under maintenance.

307 Temporary Redirect

This redirect means that the page is temporarily redirected and should not have the result remembered in the browser as the original page will come back at some point.

Why is It Important for SEO to Check the Redirects?

Checking redirects is important for several reasons. Let’s have a look at the most important ones.

First, if redirects aren’t set up properly, they can cause performance issues, resulting in slow loading times and frustrating user experiences. In addition, they can negatively impact your website's SEO by confusing search engines, potentially leading to penalties for duplicate content.

By checking redirects, you can identify any issues and ensure that they are properly set up to avoid any negative impacts on user experience or SEO.

Redirect checking includes checking for broken or incorrect redirects, as well as ensuring that all redirects are pointing to the correct pages and are not resulting in too many redirects, which can also impact SEO.

Another reason for redirect checking is user tracking. Often redirects take many steps along the way before reaching the final destination page. They can either redirect you to another page within the same website or to another website. This chain of redirects allows websites to track your behavior, set cookies, etc. This technique is commonly used in affiliate marketing where links contain codes which give publishers a portion of revenue for each referral they make.

The next reason for checking redirects is to avoid malware. With this chain of redirects, websites can potentially deliver your browser harmful malware. Checking URLs for redirects before visiting them can uncover unwanted behavior.

One more important reason is redirect validation. Web developers often need to check for redirects when building websites or online applications. Checking for redirects can sometimes be a frustrating problem because certain types of redirects like to cache their results which can be hard to clear and ensure things are still behaving as expected.

Another reason is discovering redirect loops. A redirect loop is where page1 redirects to page2, but page2 then redirects back to page1 resulting in an endless loop of redirects.

Finally, we need to check the redirects to remove intermediate redirects. Often redirects will redirect to redirects and can be chained many times until browsers give up. Each time a page is requested, additional overhead is created and slows down the total response time. If the redirect goes to another domain name, then this will also initiate an additional DNS lookup adding even more time to the response.

How do you check for redirects?

To check the redirects, simply put your URL into the search box at the top of the page and press the “Check” button. Then the tool will automatically check the URL for redirects.

SEO Redirect Chains Checker

Redirect chains are a series of multiple redirects that a user's browser follows before arriving at the final destination URL. For example, if a user clicks on a link that is redirected to another page, and that page redirects to yet another page before finally arriving at the intended destination, this is called a redirect chain.

But why are redirect chains harmful to SEO?

First of all, they can slow down the user experience, increasing the bounce rate and lowering the engagement metrics, which negatively impacts your website's SEO.

Next, redirect chains can also increase the probability of broken links or errors, as a result, harming your website rankings. If a redirect in the chain is broken or not set up correctly, it can result in a 404 or other error messages, negatively affecting your site rankings.

So, in order to prevent redirect chains’ negative impact on ranking, it’s recommended to reduce the number of used redirects and ensure that they are set up correctly. The best thing to do is to use direct redirects, avoiding redirect chains wherever possible.

Bulk Robot Tag Free Checker

Robots Meta Tags Explained

With our Links Guardian free checker you can check The Robot Tag for free for determining if the robot meta tag has been implemented on a website to prevent it from being indexed by search engines or not.

What is a Robot Tag?

By using robot tags, you can tell the search engines which pages to crawl and index and which ones not to index.

Robot Tag Types

There are different types of robot tags that can be used for different reasons.


The Index Robot Tag is a crucial element of any site’s optimization strategy. By adding this tag to your website's HTML code, you can influence how search engine crawlers interact with your website's content. This can be incredibly beneficial for your website's ranking in search engine results pages, as it allows you to control which pages are indexed and which are not.

Proper use of the Index Robot Tag can help you to avoid duplicate content issues, improve page load times, and ensure that search engines are focusing on the most important pages of your website. Additionally, by using the tag to instruct search engines to crawl your website more frequently, you can increase your website's visibility and potentially drive more traffic to your site.

If you're serious about optimizing your website for search engines, then you need to know how to use Index robot tag effectively. By working with a knowledgeable SEO professional or investing time in learning the ins and outs of SEO yourself, you can make sure that your website is fully optimized and positioned for success in search engine results pages.


This tag serves as a directive to search engine crawlers, informing them not to index specific pages or sections of a website.

By using the Noindex tag, you can solve issues of duplicate content and prevent low-quality or outdated pages from cluttering search engine results. Additionally, this tag can be employed to preserve valuable link equity for other pages of a website, improving their overall search engine rankings.

TIP TO CONSIDER: When getting a backlink from a website, you must check the robot tag of that page to make sure it’s not marked as NoIndex, as it will give ZERO SEO value.

Below find how to fix this issue.


The Nofollow Robot Tag is used to prevent search engines from following specific links, which can be incredibly beneficial for preventing low-quality backlinks and spam comments from affecting a website's rankings.

By adding the Nofollow tag to external links, you can ensure that only relevant and high-quality links are being considered by search engines. This can protect your website from potential penalties and improve its overall credibility in the eyes of search engines.


The Nosnippet Robot Tag is used to instruct search engines not to display a text snippet or featured snippet from a specific page, which is useful for preserving the confidentiality of copyrighted or sensitive content. In addition, it can encourage users to click through to the website for more information, improving overall website traffic and engagement.

By using this tag, you can have greater control over your online visibility and ensure your site content is being presented in a way that is consistent to your brand values and messaging.


With this tag, you tell search engines not to index images on a web page. It can allow you to prevent copyrighted or confidential images from being displayed in search results, protect your content, and optimize the site's performance.

The Noimageindex tag is not only useful for protecting image content, but it can also be used to improve website speed and reduce server load by minimizing the number of image files that need to be loaded.


This tag is used to control the way search engines handle cached versions of their web pages. By adding this tag to the HTML code of a web page, you can tell search engines not to store a cached copy of the page's content.

This tag is particularly useful for protecting the privacy of users by preventing sensitive or confidential information from being stored in search engine caches. It can also help ensure that search engine results always display the latest version of the web page, preventing outdated or incorrect information from being displayed.


This tag is used to tell search engines not to display a search box within the site links in search results pages. By using this tag, you can prevent search engines from displaying a search box for their website's internal search engine in search result snippets.

This tag is useful for websites that have a search box on their homepage or elsewhere on the site, as it can prevent the search box from being displayed twice on search engine results pages. It can also help improve the user experience for visitors who prefer to use the search function on the site itself rather than the search box displayed in search results.


This tag is used to tell search engines to index a web page only if it’s embedded within another page. By using it, you can ensure that the page is indexed by search engines only if it’s accessed through a specific page on their website.

This tag is particularly useful for websites that have pages with content that is not meant to be accessed directly through search engine results pages. By using this tag, you can prevent these pages from being indexed directly, while still allowing them to be indexed when accessed through the appropriate page on their website.


By adding this tag to the HTML code of a web page, you prevent search engines from automatically translating the content into other languages. It can help you to maintain control over the translation of site content on search engine results pages.

This tag is particularly useful for websites that cater to a specific language or region and want to maintain the integrity of their content in its original language. It can also be used to prevent translations of confidential or sensitive information, protecting the privacy of users and preventing misunderstandings that can arise from mistranslations.

How to fix noindex pages?

If you have web pages that are set to "noindex" and you want to fix them, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Check your website's robots.txt file: Make sure that the web pages you want to index are not being blocked by your website's robots.txt file. If they are, remove the blockage and allow search engines to crawl those pages.
  2. Remove the noindex tag: If the web pages have a "noindex" tag in their HTML code, remove it. This will allow search engines to index those pages.
  3. Update your sitemap: Make sure that the web pages you want to index are included in your website's sitemap. If they are not, add them to the sitemap and submit it to Google and other search engines.
  4. Use Google Search Console: If you have a Google Search Console account, use the URL Inspection tool to check the status of the web pages you want to index. If they are still showing as "noindex," request indexing for those pages.
  5. Wait for re-crawling: Once you have removed the noindex tag and updated your sitemap, it may take some time for search engines to recrawl those pages and index them. Be patient and check back periodically to see if they have been indexed.

By following these steps, you can fix noindex pages and ensure that your website's content is being indexed by search engines. This can help improve your website's search engine visibility and drive more traffic to your website.

Bulk External Link Free Checker

With the free bulk external link checker you will be able to get all the necessary data, including the link status, rel, robot tag and anchor text in one place.

Let’s have a closer look at all these features one by one.

Bulk External Link Status Code Free Checker

This feature allows you to easily check the HTTP status code of your backlinks’ external links for free. With this feature, you can identify any broken or non-functional external links, which can negatively impact your website's SEO ranking and user experience. By identifying broken external links, you can either fix them or remove them altogether.

Bulk External Link Rel Free Checker

With LG free checker, you can also check the rel of your external links and find out if your links are dofollow or nofollow.

The rel attribute is a crucial component of backlinks, indicating if the link passes SEO authority or not between the linking page and the linked page.

Bulk External Link Robot Tag Free Checker

With this feature, you can easily check whether your external links are being categorized either "index" or "noindex" by search engine robots.

It’s important because you can easily see which links have the index problem and solve them ASAP, making sure they get indexed and get the SEO value that every website needs.

Bulk External Link Anchor Text/Keyword Free Checker

With this feature, you can easily monitor the anchor text or keyword of the links. This feature is essential for maintaining a successful SEO strategy and ensuring that external links are relevant to the website's content.

Why It’s Important to Check Link/URL Status Code Daily?

Checking the status code of links/URLs daily is important for several reasons.

First, by checking the status code of a website URL, you can quickly determine whether the website is up and running. If the status code indicates unavailability of the website, you can take instant action to resolve the issue before it impacts site rankings.

Next, by checking the status code of links/URLs regularly, you can identify broken links, which negatively impact user experience, hurt search engine optimization (SEO), and reduce website credibility. By identifying broken links early, you can fix them before they cause harm.

Finally, by checking links regularly, you can avoid frequent errors, which can cause search engines to consider your site unreliable and receive a lower search engine ranking.

Why is Bulk URL Checker Useful for Every Online Business?

Bulk URL checker allows you to check multiple URLs at once. Some of its advantages for online businesses are:

First of all, time-saving, as this bulk URL checker will allow you to check hundreds or even thousands of URLs at once. It will save you lots of time compared to checking each URL manually.

Second, regularly checking website URLs with a bulk URL checker can help you monitor website performance, identify slow-loading pages, and take corrective measures to improve website speed and performance.

Third, this tool may be useful during the site migration. When migrating a website to a new domain, checking the status of all URLs can ensure a smooth transition. A bulk URL checker can help identify any issues with migrated URLs and fix them quickly.

How does the Free Bulk URL Checker Work?

The Free Bulk URL Checker allows you to check multiple URLs at once, making it a convenient and efficient way to analyze your website's URLs. Here's how it works:

Input URLs: Firstly, you need to input the URLs you want to check into the tool. You can either copy and paste the URLs into the tool or upload a CSV file with a list of URLs.

Process URLs: Once you have inputted the URLs, the tool will process them and analyze the HTTP status codes for each URL. It will check for errors such as 404 errors, server and redirect errors.

Get Results: After the analysis is complete, the tool will generate a report that displays the status code of each URL, the page title, and meta description. You can download this report in CSV format or view it directly on the tool's interface.

Take Action: With the report generated by the tool, you can take corrective action to fix any broken links, server errors, or redirect errors. This will help to improve website performance, SEO, and user experience.

Last but not least, our crawling engine is designed to support up to 20 million url checkings per day, including checking if there are any changes compared to the last checked Link’s Status, Keyword (Anchor text), Robot tag (Indexable/Not Indexable), and Rel (Dofollow/nofollow)

In summary, the Free Bulk URL Checker works by allowing you to input multiple URLs, analyzing the HTTP status codes, and generating a report that can help you identify and fix website issues.

Difference between Links Guardian Free Bulk URL Checker and the competitors?

Links Guardian is the ultimate tool to help you keep your backlinks alive and maintain the value they provide to your site.

Do you know why?

Because this tool is created based on the problems that each and every SEO faces every day: That's losing backlinks and not being able to recover them back. For more information, click here.

Now, let's talk about the difference between our Free link Checker and the competition.

After testing all the 100 results in search engines for several keywords, we can say that NONE of them provides the data we do, and that’s the following.

With us, you will check the Main URL status code and the Robot tag, which indicates if the link is indexable or not.

Then you get your main URLs’ all the external links with their data, including the status of the external link, if it’s do follow or no follow (Rel), if it's indexable or not indexable (Robot tag) and the anchor text (keyword) totally for free!

This tool is specifically designed for marketers, webmasters, and site owners who are looking to boost their page rankings in Google.

And here is why you need the paid version of Links Guardian!

You will be able to track all your acquired links, and you will be notified immediately if any of your links gets changed or deleted, including the status code changes, robot tags, external links, rel, anchor text, etc.

If any changes appear then you will be notified via email. PLUS you will get all the data about the link provider: name, email, link type, price, where you bought the link, etc.

Links Guardian

Links Guardian and its features have been designed purposely to provide maximum data possible while making sure there is no mess on the provided information. Everything is Clean and clear!

Links Guardian: About the Company

Powered by industry-leading link data, specially designed crawler that supports 100+ Million link requests per day

Unbreak Your Broken Links//URLs

Unbreaking broken backlinks translates to recovering the lost backlinks.

Broken backlinks can have a significant impact on a website's SEO ranking and user experience.

When a backlink on a website is non-functional, it means that the link does not lead to the intended destination, often resulting in a 404 error message.

This can cause frustration for users and negatively affect the website's credibility. Moreover, search engine crawlers may also perceive broken backlinks as a sign of a low-quality website, which can negatively impact the website's SEO ranking.

To mitigate these risks, website owners must detect and restore broken backlinks to their original state and value.

Links Guardian offers a unique and innovative solution for this problem, using advanced algorithms to detect and restore broken backlinks by providing the exact problem and the details of the link provider.

Check URL Status Lists of Any Size (Up to 500 at Once)

Links Guardian offers a powerful Bulk Status checker that allows users to check up to 500 backlinks at once. This feature enables users to identify broken backlinks quickly and efficiently, helping them to know which backlink is working fine or which one is lost.

Bulk Link Robot Tag Checker: Indexable Links & Not Indexable Links

Links Guardian provides a powerful Bulk Link Robot Tag Checker feature that allows users to check the robot tag of multiple links at once.

It’s a crucial component of backlinks, serving as a directive to search engine crawlers and informing them to index or not index specific pages or sections of a site.

With Links Guardian, you can check your backlinks’ robot tag and find out if they are indexable or not indexable on search engines.

Besides, you’ll also be notified when the robot tag of the links changes from indexable or not indexable and vice versa.

Bulk External Link Checker

It’s the main feature that changes everything.


Because there is no one who provides such important data for the user.

With the external link checker you will be able to get all the necessary data of your links, including the link status, rel, robot tag and anchor text in one place.

Bulk External Link Status Code Checker

Like the free external link checker, also here you can check the HTTP status code of your external links and see if they are live, have any problem or not.

The difference between the free and paid versions is that with paid version you can also track all your external links and in case any of them gets changed or deleted, you’ll be notified via email.

Important Note: We will check the links continuously and will keep an eye on them.

Bulk External Link Rel Checker

Links Guardian offers a powerful bulk link rel checker that allows users to check the rel attribute of multiple external links at once.

With this feature, you’ll not only check if your links are dofollow or nofollow, but will also be notified whenever any of your links changes in rel and becomes from dofollow to nofollow or vice versa.

Bulk External Link Robot Tag Checker

With bulk external link robot tag checker feature, you can easily check whether your external links are being categorized as either "index" or "noindex" by search engine robots.

You’ll also be notified when the robot tag changes from indexable or not indexable and vice versa.

Bulk External Link Checker

With bulk external link anchor text checker, you can easily monitor the anchor text or keyword of the links.

Besides, you’ll also be notified when the anchor text/keyword changes or gets deleted.

Redirect Checker

You most probably know that monitoring the functionality of a website's redirect links is crucial for maintaining a positive user experience and improving search engine ranking.

Not only that, knowing which referring domains get redirected to your website is also an important talk to do. That's why we have made sure that you see all the redirects of the links you want to check.

Get Notified About Your Backlinks Changes

With Links Guardian get notified when your links are changed or deleted. This is the reason for the creation of this tool, as there was no other similar tool that provides your link details and also gives you all the details about the link provider.

With this feature you can take prompt action and prevent any negative impact on your website's rankings by keeping your backlinks alive.

More Helpful Features

Bulk LPS Checker

This feature allows you to easily check the Link Profile Strength (LPS) of your backlinks, including important metrics such as Domain Authority (DA), Page Authority (PA), Citation Flow (CF), and Trust Flow (TF).

And with the new release, we will also include the Ahrefs data in LPS, such as DR, UR, RD and root domain traffic.

Bulk Google Index Status Checker

This feature is a powerful tool that allows you to check the Google index status of your backlinks quickly and easily. With this tool, you can ensure that your valuable backlinks are being indexed by Google, and if they're not, you can take action to get them indexed from the main app.

Having backlinks that are not indexed by Google is equivalent to having no backlinks at all, as they provide no value in terms of SEO. Therefore, using this feature is critical to ensure that your backlinks are working effectively to improve your website's search engine rankings.

Bulk Index Your Links

With our LG tool, you will be able to submit all your links to our indexation service partner via API in a simple and effective way with just a few clicks.

What’s more, you will be able to submit your links based on your need with the Drip Feeding option.

Here are the options:

  • Drip feed all links within x days
  • Drip feed at x links a day
  • OR submit all your links ASAP (No Drip Feeding)

Nowadays, it’s NOT the best practice for search engines to find many backlinks to your same sites pretty quickly! Using a drip feed is preferable and safer!

Data Export in Excel, CSV Formats

Links Guardian provides a convenient way to export your link data in Excel and CSV formats. With this feature, you can easily export all your link data to a spreadsheet, which you can use for analysis or reporting purposes. This allows you to easily track and manage your backlinks.

Get a Public Link

Links Guardian's "Get a Public Link" feature allows users to generate a complete report with all the details of selected campaigns.

This feature is particularly useful for SEO specialists and companies who acquire or build links for their clients, as they can quickly download a well-designed report of the links and send it to their clients.

The report can be easily accessed and viewed via a secure and shareable link, making it a convenient way to track and monitor the progress of link building campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

What is the link status code and why do you need to check it?

A link status code is a three-digit code returned by a server when a browser requests a resource through a URL or hyperlink. It indicates the status of the requested resource and provides information on whether the request was successful, failed, redirected, or encountered an error.

Checking the link status code is important for website owners and developers as it helps them identify and fix issues related to broken links, redirects, server errors, and other problems that affect website usability, user experience, and search engine optimization. By regularly monitoring the link status codes of their website's pages, they can quickly detect and resolve any issues that may negatively impact their website's performance, accessibility, and user engagement.

What are status code checker limits at Links Guardian?

At Links Guardian, there are limits to how many status codes you can check at once depending on whether you are using the free or paid version. With the free version, you can check up to 10 links at a time, but you have the option to check up to 50 domains' data simultaneously. We may ask you to click on some ads to help us monetize the app.

With the paid subscription, you can check up to 50 links at a time for full data crawling, or up to 500 links for only status crawling. However, there are no limits to the number of times you can check links, as long as you are creating different campaigns each time. Is this checker at Links Guardian free for everyone?

Yes, it’s completely free!

How to save the results of the bulk checker?
